Twelve No-Cost Gifts for Cancer Patients
I recently spoke to a group of cancer patients and survivors and they gave me a list of things they would like to have from their family and friends:
1.) Hug me.
2.) Go shopping with me.
3.) Ask what you can do for me.
4.) Run errands for me.
5.) Take me to my chemo or doctor’s appointments.
6.) Watch movies with me when I don’t feel good.
7.) Just take me for a ride out in the country, talking about anything other than cancer.
8.) Pick up my kids from school.
9.) Wear your hair crazy for a day when I have no hair.
10.) Call me.
11.) Visit me.
12.) Send me a note or a card.
12b.) Be there to just listen.
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© 2011 Melinda Coker
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