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Hello, my name is Melinda Coker.


I am a blogger, a health & weight-loss coach, a speaker, and the author of the two books pictured below. My passion is teaching people how to live a healthy life and to avoid many of life’s chronic diseases.

In 2007 after a close friend died of pancreatic cancer at the 'young' age of fifty-seven, I decided to stop "shopping" around for the newest health craze and began doing extensive research on the prevention of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and strokes. I have attended workshops, read books and medical journals and figured out the best course of action for healthy living and the prevention of many of those lifestyle diseases.

I am also a certified “Starch Solution” coach through Dr. John McDougall.

This site contains many of my blog posts from over the years, and I hope that you can find the information you are looking for.

I would love to hear from you with any health related questions or ideas for my future blog posts!



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