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Welcome to my blog. I write about the intersection between diet and health. Hope to give you enough information, to help you decide whether or not you want to change your lifestyle. Enjoy reading and learning!

5 Tips for Health in the New Year

5 Tips for Health in the New Year

1.) Eat a healthy diet… that means going towards a plant-based diet as much as you possibly can. The more animal products you eliminate, the more fat and cholesterol you eliminate, too. The more vegetables, fruits and whole grains you include, the more fiber you consume. Vegetarians are healthier and slimmer.

2.) Exercise… you need to keep moving… walking is good, especially if you can get out in the fresh air. Strength training is important once or twice a week and you may want to add some stretching, yoga, or pilates for flexibility.

3.) Stay curious… You must always be interested in new ideas or new skills. Take classes, read, change jobs, create a project with your kids or grandkids or take up a new hobby. You can become an expert by learning and researching something you love… whether it’s travel, photography, writing, building furniture or even Facebook.

4.) Stay involved… Go where you can interact with others… join clubs, attend church, meet friends for lunch, join the PTA, or care for your grandkids.

5.) Find someone to help… volunteer, care for a pet, send cards and notes to friends and acquaintances, or mentor a child.

If you’ve let yourself get lazy this year, see if you can’t develop these new healthy habits for 2011. Even if you are already healthy, I bet you can find something in this list to help you become even healthier. Here’s to the healthiest year ever!!

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© 2010 Melinda Coker

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: “Melinda Coker, author of the book, Diet and Cancer: Is There a Connection?, passionate health researcher and coach, teaches women around the world how to develop a healthy lifestyle.”

Twelve No-Cost Gifts for Cancer Patients

Twelve No-Cost Gifts for Cancer Patients

