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Welcome to my blog. I write about the intersection between diet and health. Hope to give you enough information, to help you decide whether or not you want to change your lifestyle. Enjoy reading and learning!

Can You Really Lose Weight by Eating Carbs?

Can You Really Lose Weight by Eating Carbs?

People today hate carbs!

 It seems that everyone wants us to give up carbs and eat more protein.

 You may have heard that so many times, that you believe it, too.

 I’ve noticed that this mantra is often espoused through social media posts by people who are young who can eat everything and still feel healthy.

 But since I’m older, I choose to look to research to find foods that add years to your life and even help prevent disease. 

 That points me to a plant-based diet which research has found to be the healthiest diet in the world.

 In the plant-based world, I subscribe to a starch based diet.

 This diet includes the complex carbohydrates which have fiber and help keep us full and satisfied. These starches are foods like: grains (wheat, barley, rye, corn, rice, wild rice, pasta & oats); starchy vegetables (potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, & winter squashes); legumes (lentils, beans & green peas).

 The more of those starches we eat, the trimmer, more energetic and healthier we become.

 Add some fruits and nonstarchy vegetables and you will not even need to count calories to lose weight.

 The simplest carbohydrate is sugar. Sugar provides quick energy because it is so easy to break down in the body. Of course, you only need a small amount of sugar since it contains no fiber.

 If you eliminate the simple carbs like doughnuts, chips, cookies, cakes, sodas, and fruit juices and stick to the starches, you will lose weight!

Ways You Can Help in the Loneliness Epidemic

Ways You Can Help in the Loneliness Epidemic

The Terrible Moment You Were Diagnosed With Glaucoma

The Terrible Moment You Were Diagnosed With Glaucoma