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Welcome to my blog. I write about the intersection between diet and health. Hope to give you enough information, to help you decide whether or not you want to change your lifestyle. Enjoy reading and learning!

Switched to Super Slow

Switched to Super Slow

At a charity “silent auction” this summer I noticed one of the bid items was a package of personal strength training sessions at SuperSlow. My son was going to be in town soon and he had talked many times about the benefits of a SuperSlow workout. I bid on the package and “won.”

I have been working out at a local gym with a personal trainer for the past year and a half so thought this workout would be very similar. It wasn’t.

I walked in and was met by my slightly overweight trainer who was dressed in street clothes and lots of jewelry. I worked out on several machines while she explained the SuperSlow concept. This was not a race to see how many reps I could do, but I was told to go very slowly for 3 minutes on each machine and to do as few reps as possible. The temperature was very cool, the gym was small with no more than 2 trainers working at the same time and no separate cardio machines. There is no loud music… in fact there is no music at all as you are to concentrate on your workout. The total workout only took 30 minutes.

I have since signed up for more sessions. It’s very unusual to take a shower BEFORE I go to the gym. After my 30-minute session I am free to get a few errands run and I still get home in less time than I did with my previous workouts. It’s really a nice change for now.

© 2010 Melinda Coker

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Added Swimming to My Exercise Routine

Added Swimming to My Exercise Routine