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Welcome to my blog. I write about the intersection between diet and health. Hope to give you enough information, to help you decide whether or not you want to change your lifestyle. Enjoy reading and learning!

Set the Alarm Clock Earlier

Set the Alarm Clock Earlier

Back in December, I decided to implement a couple of changes to my schedule to see if I could be more productive in the New Year.

The first change I made was to set my alarm for 5:20 AM each weekday. Previously I had gotten up at that time two mornings a week to go to the gym, but slept until 6:30 on the other 3 days. Yet I was always trying to find the time to go to my “home gym” and do my yoga tapes or my Egoscue E-cises. Well, I finally found the time and it is on my new schedule. I now get up at 5:20 every morning, which allows me to exercise three additional hours a week.

The other change I made was to organize my calendar. I have a couple of important projects I want to accomplish this year, and because I work from home, it made it hard for me to get going. I was constantly being pulled to do my household chores first. As we all know, those household chores can expand to squeeze everything else out.

By organizing my days I added two “project days” to my weekly calendar. Those household chores got listed and bundled and put on the other three days. The printed calendar sitting on my desk is a great reminder and looks very official.

After thirty days of working in this new way, I believe I have added another healthy habit to my life.

For a blank calendar that you can fill in, click here.

© 2015 Melinda Coker

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Gout Is Painful

Gout Is Painful

A Health Environment

A Health Environment