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Welcome to my blog. I write about the intersection between diet and health. Hope to give you enough information, to help you decide whether or not you want to change your lifestyle. Enjoy reading and learning!

Please Pray for Me

Please Pray for Me

Please Pray for Me…

Please Pray for Me…

I live in the South where religion is of upmost importance. I’ve recently been thinking about the dozens of Facebook posts I see each month that start out with the words, “Please pray for me…”

The post then goes on to say something like, “I was at Sam’s Barbque on Saturday when I started having a heart attack…” or, “I was leaving Jim’s Steak House when I fell down with intense pain. Turns out I had a kidney stone…” or, “I’ve just been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes…”

“Please pray for me.”

I am all for asking for prayers and for praying for someone, but I also think we each have a responsibility to take care of ourselves.

If I am overweight and eat large slabs of meat, I’m just asking for a heart attack.

If my cholesterol is out of control, I may be inviting cancer to take hold.

If my blood pressure is high, I may be asking for a stroke.

If I drink too much milk and eat too much cheese, I may be asking for the calcium loss that accompanies it and then osteoporosis.

If I eat too many animal protein-containing foods, I am setting my kidneys up for failure.

If I don’t get enough folic acid in my diet, I may be setting myself up for Alzheimer’s disease.

If I am overweight and my glucose gets high, I may be setting myself up for Type 2 Diabetes.

In other words, I think each us needs to learn about the healthful effects of eating a plant-based diet. Then our prayer requests can go down.

©2015 Melinda Coker

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