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Welcome to my blog. I write about the intersection between diet and health. Hope to give you enough information, to help you decide whether or not you want to change your lifestyle. Enjoy reading and learning!

Can We Save Our Husbands?

Can We Save Our Husbands?

This is an "all-American breakfast" that we love, but it can kill us. We've got to start thinking about our health and that certainly doesn't just mean we have to start running or going to the gym. It means that we need to change the way we eat.

I'm on a crusade to "save our husbands." In the past year I have personally known four men who have suddenly died. No warning... they just keeled over and died. What a heartbreaking scenario for their wives and their children as well as their friends. Is there a way that we can "up the odds" of keeping our husbands alive and well?

I think there is.

Too often, the first symptom of heart disease is a fatal heart attack. Of course, this can happen to women as well as men, so I want us to use our "bully pulpit" as the caretakers of our families to make sure we all remain free of heart disease.

There is a preponderance of evidence that a simple change of diet can actually prevent and even REVERSE heart disease. A recent CNN documentary by Dr. Sanjay Gupta, The Last Heart Attack, showed how we can accomplish that goal.

The first step towards health would be to exchange the breakfast pictured above to one of oatmeal or shredded wheat with a nondairy milk. Then start eating starches (beans, rice, corn, or potatoes) without added fat or butter, as your main dish for each meal. Add fruits and vegetables and you are suddenly eating for health and not for heart disease.

Let me know how you do!

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© 2015 Melinda Coker

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High Blood Pressure Is Dangerous

High Blood Pressure Is Dangerous

Are You Killing Your Husband?

Are You Killing Your Husband?