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Welcome to my blog. I write about the intersection between diet and health. Hope to give you enough information, to help you decide whether or not you want to change your lifestyle. Enjoy reading and learning!

A Little Help for Our Friends

A Little Help for Our Friends

When it comes time to change my lifestyle, it is much easier if I have a coach, some accountability and some support. I know if I hire a personal trainer, I will very seldom miss a training session. If I join a group like Weight Watchers, I know that I have to stick to my eating plan or risk embarrassment when it comes time for the weigh-in. If I decide to change my eating habits, I will do much better if I find a place to actually fix me the foods I need or even bring them to me. We may have discipline and will-power, especially at the start of any change, but when the going begins to get tough, that will-power sometimes falters and we begin to drift back to our old habits as we feel more and more that we’re on our own.

That’s the reason I offer group coaching for cancer patients and cancer survivors. There is so much evidence to show that cancer patients who radically change their lifestyle to one which includes eating a low-fat, plant-based diet can live longer and can live healthier, even as they undergo toxic treatments. It has also been shown to be effective in lengthening the time between recurrences and possibly even halting the cancer in its tracks. For more information and to learn about this exciting research, you will want to grab a copy of my book, Diet and Cancer: Is There a Connection? Health Secrets to Slowing Cancer if You Have It & Preventing Cancer if You Don’t and read it.

After reading the book, you may be ready to drastically change your eating habits and stop putting toxins into your body. If you are a cancer patient or survivor living in East Texas you may want to join our new coaching/support group called Broccoli and Blueberries™. This small group meets over lunch in Tyler twice a month for a three-month period. Members will learn how to fix simple yet tasty meals and snacks and will have the opportunity to connect with a small group of people trying to do the same thing.

Many cancer patients are already involved in long-term support groups. This is not designed to take the place of those groups, but to be an additional resource to learn the skills needed and get helpful support for putting up a good fight against your cancer. If you know someone with cancer who lives in East Texas, please forward this message to them. If you have cancer, or know someone who does, but you don’t live in the area, you may want to take advantage of some of our other helpful programs. For questions and inquiries, please use the contact form.

© 2010-2011 Melinda Coker

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Ready to Lose Weight?

Ready to Lose Weight?

I Don't Have Time to Cook

I Don't Have Time to Cook